Thursday, October 31, 2013

Joyas Voladoras Analysis

Take a look at "Joyas Voladoras"by Brian Doyle.  What do you notice about Doyle's writing?  What happens when you reach the final paragraph? In what ways does an essay that at first appeared to be about creatures great and small suddenly turn into an essay about human nature? What has happened to the word heart? Do you thing "Joyas Voladoras" could be considered a personal essay, even and private one? How would you account for all the specific details that the author introduces in the concluding paragraph apparently to support a generalization about the human heart?

Use a quote from the essay to make your point.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Analysis of Beautiful Losers

Analysis of Beautiful Losers

Pick an artist from the movie to use as a character to analyze. In this post take a close look at her/his perception of art production, and write about it. Your post should be at least three paragraphs in length. It should deal with only one artist’s perspective, as well as your own.  

Questions to ask yourself while choosing an artists and a moment that stands out in the movie to write about: 
  • How does her/his and your culture, provoke the creation of art?
  • Does the artist/you feel like an insider or an outsider within a culture? Does this feeling lead to the creation of art.
  • How does collaboration, mimicking, and/or inspiration by other artists lead to the creation of art? Is this a good/bad thing, why.
  • How does the phenomenon of success change or strengthens ones perception of art creation? Does the artist create for her/himself alone? 

Monday, October 7, 2013

******Textual Analysis Post on Beah's Transformation

Textual Analysis Blog Response #2
Due: post to your blog before class on Wednesday, October 9th
As we continue to discuss A Long Way Gone and the themes of Hunger, Escape, or Family, it is important to write on each of the themes more in-depth.  In this response, you are asked to go back within the first 10 chapters of the memoir and reflect upon how Beah has transformed so far, and also discuss what factors play a role in his transformation.
In the blog response, do the following:
1.) Enter in the title of the blog post: The Transformation of Beah’s _______ (of course, in this part enter your theme: Hunger, Escape, or Family, or, do you have another theme you would like to analyze?)
2.) Within the actual post, respond to the topic by going back into the first ten chapters and picking out AT LEAST THREE (3) PASSAGES that speak to your theme.
Compare and contrast Beah’s transformation by discussing each passage focusing on:
a.)    What is happening at the time/where is he in his journey, and
b.)    What Beah’s mental state of mind is in each moment, and explain how he changes—mentally and/or physically.