Sunday, November 24, 2013

ALWG FINAL blog post - due posted by Wednesday

Looking at one main element of the writing, (structure, style, tone, texture, theme) create a blog post. This post should highlight one writerly technique, and make a statement about the function it has in the novel.

You should incorporate three quotes from ALWG to back up your ideas about this writerly technique. Use the quotes as proof for your argument, and remember to analyze extensively. How does this element in the book strengthen it? Why do you think Ishmael Beah presents his thoughts in this way?

Also, in you blog post's thesis identify one meaningful discovery you have made while reading the book, or identify one meaning realization that Ishmael has in the novel.

Example of thesis:

In the memoir A Long Way Gone, by Ishmael Beah, Beah uses the theme of memory, or rather suppressed memory, to highlight how fear can force a boy to act contrary to his nature.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Analysis of an MCA art piece

After your visit to the MCA and experience with the Paul Sietsema exhibition and the Theaster Gates: 13th Ballad installation, and the Alexander Calder, think about your favorite piece. How does a work change when you spend more time with it? What else do you notice? How do you change?

Select a work – any work in the Museum – and spend a full 20 minutes just looking at the work. Why did it capture your attention? Why do you suppose it is being presented in a Chicago museum – or why do you think it shouldn’t be here? What is the deeper meaning? (i.e. thesis) What bigger picture does it connect to?  Analyze and try to formulate your ideas in a thesis that you will use to direct your blog post. 

Please write a review of the work. Consider it in context of the artist’s other work – which means you’ll have to do some research, in the museum (read the plaques), handouts? Consider it in context of the rest of the work in the exhibition.